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About In-Kind Friends


In-Kind Friends is a group of trailblazing, sleeve-rolling friends who catalyzes the impact of local nonprofits through creative, spirited collaboration. By working together to provide pro bono interim time and talent, we amplify our clients’ community impact and improve our corner of the world.

guiding principles

Time and talent are our currency; we are not a funding organization. Our families are our first priority and we work to include them in our philanthropic efforts. We are free to modulate participation in IKF as our personal lives allow. We focus on nonprofits that can benefit from, and propel forward with,

a short-term, intensive effort from IKF. As a group, we have either a passion for or a growing interest in

the client we choose. We challenge each other to continually evolve and improve for the

betterment of ourselves and our community.


Our Core


Intentional, Committed, Compassionate, Collaborative and Spirited



We provide interim time and talent to Triangle nonprofits to amplify their community impact.


Each nonprofit we serve becomes a building block that positively extends our community reach year after year.

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